We all can do with a bit of positivity in these times. I found this lovely blend in “The complete book of essential oils and aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood and thought I would share it with you:
In 30 ml bottle put the following mix of essential oils and top with a carrier oil of your choice (Fractionated Coconut Oil, Jojoba or Almond oil etc.) You can use it as a body oil, in baths or don’t dilute in Carrier Oil and put 3-4 drops of the essential oil mix in your diffuser for inhalation.
10 drops Geranium
8 drops Grapefruit
8 drops Petitgrain
4 drops Frankincense
Do not expose skin to direct sunlight 12-24 hours after application, as citrus oils can cause sunburn / sun sensitivity / sunspots.
“Positivity is not about grey areas, its about being optimistic and proactive – the kind of attitude that creates its own luck.
Positive people construct strategies to improve their chances of success. Rather than leaving things to chance, they put the odds in their favor by planning carefully and learning to deal with different situations. Positive people don’t daydream that one day it’s all going to get better, they set themselves realistic goals and for them, step by small step. and they don’t blame themselves for every little mishap. Mishaps are to be expected, they are part of the drama, but don’t allow them to rule your life.
Life is all about good and bad, and the trick is to find a balance in which there is more good than bad. That’s all we can do. Optimism is key, and it is the attitude that good will ultimately prevail in the universe.
Essential Oils are like little packages of positivity, a helping aid in the move toward optimism. They gently nudge you forward until you find yourself saying, “Oh, maybe things aren’t so bad!” I don’t know of an essential oil that doesn’t add positivity in some way.” -Valerie Ann Worwood”
If you are interested to purchase the doTERRA essential oils, please message me [email protected] or check out the essential oil section on my website.