The last few months have just been a whirlwind of so many things happening all at once, I barely any moments to digest all the major changes and I feel it will take quite a few months to fully process whats just happened.
The kids are with their nanny at the moment so I am sitting in a cafe, trying to gather a few thoughs and say a proper good bye to you all.
The last 3 years at Heartspace have been so special to me. And apart from the parting with our home, that was the hardest to let go of. I love being a yoga teacher and student, I loved my little Heartspace cocoon and building a community, getting to know you all and sharing in the highs and lows that life serves up. Having had a break from teaching now for almost 2 months I realise that is what I miss most. The connection with like-minded people, who try to look after themselves, find a bit of peace in amongst the chaos that life can sometimes be, walking each-other home really, as beautiful Ram Das said.
I have learnt so much in those 3 years. From the very humble beginnings of being a brand new yoga teacher committing to a lease of a room that was still just a shell at that stage – to handing the heartspace community & space over to new guardians – soo many things happened. I just lodged my yoga teaching hours with Yoga Alliance and they added up to 1,206 hours over those 3 years with approx. 150-200 students coming through the doors every month in just my classes.

I can still remember how worried, scared and insecure I felt when I first started, with my heart beating fast and my throat choking up. I am now in a space where the yoga mat is probably one of my most comfortable spaces. I know what teaching style feels most authentic to me, I found my voice, my space, my people and feel as comfortable in my skin as I ever have. It feels like life can’t knock me over so easily these days. I have grown so much more confident in my own skill and ability and have established a trust in life that feels good and comforting. I have learnt so much from you all, from your stories, your resilience, your willingness to share, your willingness to turn up for sessions through emotional ups and downs, your willingness to make space for yourselves. I loved the chatter in the beginning and at the end of the classes, the exchanges between people who just met, or friends catching up. I loved meeting some of your children and friends you brought along putting faces to names.
I am so, so grateful that I have been able to hold space for you and other teachers and their students for those 3 years. I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity. I would like to thank you for your trust and your encouragement. I still feel sad to leave that chapter behind, but I am also excited for the next chapter to start now.
I hope you all find a new teacher and/or yoga style that resonates with you. We are very lucky in Hawke’s Bay to have so many beautiful teachers and sessions to choose from.
My best bit of advise I can give you on the way from what I learned over my 15 years of practicing and 3 years of teaching is that we are all entirely individual beings – physically, mentally and spiritually. There is no one fits all approach. Listen to your body and do what feels good and have clear boundaries around your practice. Communicate with your teacher if you like or don’t like to have adjustments done. Try a few different teachers and styles to really find what makes you happy. For me yoga has really become my nourishment. My practice needs to be nourishing, feed me, fill me up, feel good. Find what feels good to you and respect your only home that is with you for this lifetime all the time – your beautiful, magical body. It lets you know – if you make the time to listen.
And don’t forget Yoga is so much more than practicing yoga poses – yes for most of us this is where it started. For me it was and later I looked further and deeper. Those of you who came to my beginners classes would have heard about the 8 limbs of yoga. Perhaps get yourself a book and study the deeper aspects or should I say the roots of a proper yoga practice. Most of us do yoga every day anyway – without ever doing a pose.
The last couple of months have been a bit tough. I am in detachment overload, we have had to let go of so many things, living out of suitcases at the moment and not leaving until mid March. So we are all ready to move into our new floating home.
Tim has been in Greece for 2 weeks and found our boat, a Bavaria 46 called Polykandros (Polly). It is getting a make over at the moment in Athens from where we still start our new life mid March. While he was away I was emptying our house, sorting, packing, cleaning, organising garage sales, pick ups, drop offs and juggling the kids needs in-between it all.

If you want to follow our journey or even support us there are several ways how you can do that.
- check out our website freedomfamily.nz
- Follow us on facebook HERE or Instagram HERE
- Like and subscribe to our youtube channel HERE
- Support us on Patreon with a few dollars every week HERE. We will attempt do create a video every week to document our journey and share our experiences. The couple of dollars supports us in our work and will perhaps even enable us to stay on the water longer. We don’t have any investments or rentals, so we are essentially blowing our equity from the house for a bit of freedom. We will have to live very mindful with our limited resources financially, so every dollar helps. Our Patreons get access to our videos one week early, get access to a private facebook group, live calls and possibilities to visit on the boat.
- I am still doing my doTERRA business from on the go and for every doTERRA purchase you do through me I earn a bit of commission. You can find more info HERE. I still support my team with education from afar via e-mail, messaging etc.
- I also keep my heartspace.nz site up for mainly blog posts on my yoga insights and essential oils info. You can find me on Facebook HERE and Instagram HERE.
From my heart to yours – I wish you all the very best on your journeys and hope some of you stay connected. I would love to hear from you now and then and perhaps one day our paths will cross again. For now me and my family are going to jump into the unknown, practice trust, experience a bit of freedom and family time, reconnect with each other and let the wind decide which direction we go. Thank you xxxx